
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My NEW Sewing Room!

I am quite pleased with the dining room, aka my sewing room. Not only is it bigger than before, it has that awesome built-in buffet along the wall. The light is pretty good and I have already made one curtain for the bedroom and half of my "interview dress." 
 Plus, I have the ironing board right there. Before, I walked across the house to the laundry room to iron things. But, I did. I am an advocate of "sew, trim threads, press seams". The back door leads to the back porch (yes, there is a front porch too!), so if anyone classy was coming over, I could throw my ironing board and dummy and tub of patterns back there for a bit. Fortunately, I don't know anyone classy.
 Also, I have the little tv hooked up in the corner. This solves the problem of sewing to the sounds of Andrew machine gunning people down on some Xbox game. Lol.
 Like I said, the cabinet is built-in and I not only have a place to store my Wedgwood china, but I have all these drawers to tuck my things away in. I also have the top to toss things on so we can actually eat at the dining room table like real people. It's shocking, I know, but we have managed it two nights in a row!
 Here's my dress in progress. It is going to be fully lined, so it's about half done right now.
The dining room is open to the kitchen, but I cleverly cut it out of all my pictures. It is really messy, and it's too hot for me to care. It's 98 degrees and all I have is a fan! T-Rex and I have just been lying on the floor in front of the fan, panting and sweating, respectively. Yipes!

Curtain pictures tomorrow. You like my sewing room? Jealous? I hope so, I am quite pleased about it. Toodles!


  1. LOVELY sewing space! It's great the cabinet is built in! Love those sorts of features!

  2. Wow, that is one nice apartment! you are so lucky to have that beautiful dining/sewing room, I am jealous!

  3. You've got loads of space. I'm jealous. We can only dream of a living room that big here in London. The dress looks lovely already.

  4. Your sewing room looks fantastic! Congratulations on getting all settled in, and I hope you are staying cool in this crazy weather!

  5. you have a very nice looking house love your built in just gorgeous!

  6. I love your sewing room! And eating at the table? I'm so impressed :)
    Your dress looks great.

  7. That built in buffet is absolutely beautiful! What a sewing room!!

    Put a bucket of ice in front of the fan for old fashioned AC.

  8. Wow, it's gorgeous!!!

  9. Ah-hah! I got a glimpse of your kitchen through the mirror in the buffet!!

    But in all seriousness, the sewing/dining room looks fantastic! The buffet makes the room!

    I'm loving the interview dress.


Thanks for your thoughts and feedback!