Here, I will post my successful and unsuccessful vintage and modern sewing projects, along with other things I sew, make, refinish or buy and want to share.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Obsession: Mint Truffle kisses

In progress: a cape

Monday, November 30, 2009
Simplicity 3712

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Extra Bonus

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Advance 8171

Monday, November 9, 2009
Simplicity 3914 - Black and White Day Dress

(The dog trying to ruin my picture)

All in all, a cute dress! Plus, I probably made the whole thing in 3-5 hours, including cutting. it was really easy. And that includes an hour sewing the hem by hand inf ront of the tv.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Social Studies Dress- Butterick 8128

I only screwed up one time on this one! I decided to top stich the neckline instead of doing the facing because I am lazy. Of course I was punished for my laziness. It looked ridiculous, and of course I had set it on a super tiny stich. I was very close to cutting the whole thing out, but I took it with me to Oregon and my mom picked out the stiches on the drive to the beach. Thanks!
My two changes:
1. If you look at the girl in green, the back bodice is darted but loose. I stiched down all of the darts, so they make a fan over my back. It looks cool, and has the bonus of snugging up the bodice for a better fit.

2. Drastic shortening of the skirt. I didn't shorten the front piece for some reason, and it went to my ankles!!! hahahha. I probably cut off 5-6 inches and made a 2 inch hem.

This is after parent-teacher conferences, standing by my cart ( I move from room to room each period)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Chairs!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thinking ahead to Halloween

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Mending and Organizing
My pile of unfinished projects is enormous, so today I only worked on quick fixes.

Sunday, September 6, 2009
ID Woes
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Goodbye Files!
I am very happy that I bought an external hard drive last spring, so at least I have most of my pictures and files.....
I did just organize my desk and put my sewing table back together, so if I finish grading papers and entering grades, maybe I can go to Jo-Ann!
Monday, August 17, 2009
School's In!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Not only did I negotiate the guy down 200$ a month, but it really is lovely. It has windows! That aren't painted shut! Fresh air!
They had no problem with the dog! Well, I mean, there was still a pet deposit...
It has wood floors! and a balcony! The weather is so nice here for so much of the year, and now I can enjoy it, and T-Rex can lay in the sun!
It's a second floor unit, so it's super safe, which unfortunately is always something to consider in New Orleans. And it has a back staircase, so now my mom can stop imagining we will die in a fire. Just for comparison's sake, my current dump is a third-floor attic, probably forty feet up, with one exit, windows that are five feet off the ground, and neighbors who do things like try to light fires in the old/unworking/just-for-show fireplaces downstairs. So there's reason to be relieved.
Most importantly:
Dishwasher and a washer and dryer!! Heart be still! So that means no more fighting over who has to wash silverware and no more laundromat. How I will miss being leered at by creepy men as I load and unload the dryer, in 100 degree humid heat, while the crazy lady who pees her pants pushes around the shared cart full of her stinky clothes.....
Plus teacher training starts on Thursday!! I am so excited!I can't wait to meet my students in two weeks!
All in all I am super happy right now, in case you can't tell! I am almost finished with a dress, which has been in the works for about a month now. I have to finish it before I pack my sewing stuff for the move, so maybe tomorrow...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
My Quilt
It's a double Irish chain, I think. Full or twin, I can't remember. Probably twin, since it was a dorm bed. It was one of those awesome slice and dice quilts, so I really slapped it together pretty quickly.
That's a view of the whole thing, with the corner flipped up to see the
purple backing. It's tied, not quilted for real.
Here's a close-up of the fabric. The white has a faint leaf pattern. The dots are black and white. The flowers are in bright colors: blue, pink, purple and green.
Seven years and many washings later, it has held up very well. The seams have come apart in a few tiny places, but that is to be expected with the way I slap sewing projects together.
Oregon Estate Sale Loot!
I saw three nice vintage sewing machines, two table top, and one in a table. All in working condition and reasonably priced. I should have snuck pictures...
One lady obviously had been into sewing. I got a giant box of zippers, some white gloves, and three awesome vintage patterns! And the lady working threw in the patterns for free!!
Mom's Christmas Present
Making this was a screw-up festival, since I had never made a fully lined jacket before. I was aiming for B (teal), but shortened the sleeves too much and ended up with A (blond in center).
"Where are the pockets?" you ask. Ha. They looked as if a 5 year old did them, so they were left off.
The fabric was from Jo-Ann, but is actually really nice. (In case you can't tell, the Jo-Ann is the only fabric store in my area, and it's selection is weak and tacky, for the most part) It was lightweight wool suiting in a choclate brown with camel and brown swirls. The lining is in the same camel color, which looks nice.
Two minute modeling session in the front yard, since it was 90 out.
Overall it looks nice, but it turned out a little big. That was before I figured out the ridiculous ease on modern patterns. I probably could have made it two sizes smaller, and it would have fit perfectly.
Mom claims she likes it, and hopefully that's true!! and is not just trying to prop up my self esteem. It's far from perfect, and the little asian lady at the dry cleaners scoffed at my sewing (particularly the lapels) when i took it in to get the buttonholes done, but I think it turned out okay. For a first attempt at a lined jacket, with no chances to fit it on the person it was for.
Is that enough of a disclaimer? Ha ha!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
T-Rex's Throne: the Dog Bed
I had some leftover jersey I had bought for another project I never finished. He likes to hide food and things in cushions and corners, so there is a nice fold between the base and the sides for him to do that.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Modern Fashion- circa 2008
Since the ad was in grey, it was easy to see all the detail, like where I needed to make darts. I drafted my own pattern out of muslin, and then tried it on 100 times while sewing to get the fit right. I made it out of medium weight jersey from Jo-Ann in a mint green color.