Here is my pattern- looks pretty 70s to me... I am making the version on the right, with short puff sleeves, but a slightly longer skirt.
It is the five year anniversary of hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans. It was my senior year of college and we evacuated to Chicago the day before because a friend of a friend was visiting and his flight back was cancelled (also because our mothers were hysterical). I ended up going to Loyola Chicago for the semester and we came back in the spring. My house was uptown by the river, so it fortunately didn't flood. I saw a grey National Guard humvee a few weeks ago and it reminded me of right after the storm. National guard patrols, everything so dark, very few stores open. I love this city and I'm glad I stayed here after I graduated. It has been great watching the city come back to normal. People should visit and come here for vacations and see for themselves! The news stories get it about 1/10th correct...
PS= Thanks to everyone who donated to my project for my classroom. We are currently only 91 bucks away from being funded! Yay! If you still would like to donate, it is tax deductible and you can donate any amount you like from $1 up. Thanks!