Wow, I can't believe September is almost over! I promised myself I would finish the beige dress and refinish one of my many furniture projects this month. So, I guess I will be busy tomorrow, between grading papers and doing lesson plans. But it will be satisfying to finish some of these projects!
Now I need to start planning ahead to Halloween. The dog will wear his banana costume from last year- I just saw a cheap rip-off at target! Idea thieves! Lol.
I have this hat, which I bought at an estate sale. I know I will never wear it seriously, but it is beautiful. It's velvet, fits perfectly and the feathers are intact. It had the original tag when I bought it (for 6$!!!).

Point being, I want my costume to be based on this hat. It makes me think 20s flapper, so I will probably head in that direction....
Any suggestions or patterns to recommend? I love comments!!! and right now I don't feel very inspired....