Leave a comment to enter the giveaway by Friday at midnight. The winner gets all four patterns and I will ship internationally if needed. All patterns are vintage and for a 34 bust. I have not checked if they are complete or not.
Simplicity 4260 is a button down shirtwaist dress with an interesting triangular neckline, or simple collar variation. Probably early 50s. Simplicity 2195 is for a monogrammed blouse with three sleeve lengths. Probably late 50s or early 60s.
Simplicity 1672 is a 1940s pattern for a shirtwaist dress. A button down bodice with a tie or button waist, with an option for scalloped sleeves and neckline. Butterick 3034 is a 60s wardrobe pattern that makes a skirt, blouse that can also become a dress and a casual, boxy jacket.